About Me

Monday, February 13, 2012

Recent Paintings For Sale

My Paintbrush is Ready!

I love a good "snow day." Even though there's not really that much coming down right now, we did get the day off from school. So, I plan on making the most of it by painting and crafting all day!

Here are a couple recent paintings I did this past week:
Razorback Face
Size: 11x14 canvas
Price: $25
Other sizes available. More Razorback designs coming.

Icing on My Cupcake
Size: 11x14 canvas
Price: $25
Other designs or sizes available. Can be personalized.

If you are interested in either of these paintings, please let me know. If you would like me to paint you something different or something in a different size, I can do that as well.

Thank you for stopping by my blog! Have a blessed day!


Monday, February 6, 2012

All on a Sunday afternoon...

Getting My "Craft" On

This past Sunday afternoon, I decided to sit down and paint. I didn't have anything planned in particular. I just sat and stared at the blank canvas in front of me. For whatever reason, I decided to paint a cupcake. After all, cupcakes are quite trendy right now! lol

So this is what I came up with. Not bad for my first try at painting a cupcake, I guess. I love the fun colors. My daughter now wants to know if the cupcake will be hanging on the wall in her room now. Haven't decided that yet! Anyway, it was a lot of fun and I hope to paint even more cupcakes, etc, in the near future. Let me know if you need a cupcake for someone "sweet" in your life!

Here's another shot of the cupcake beside the Razorback I painted a few weeks ago. I'm working on some other designs for all you Razorback fans out there. Hopefully I will be able to finish it soon.

Then I decided to play with paint on a leftover foam board cross I had in my garage from last year's project of moss covered crosses. That plain cross had been staring at me all year! So I decided it was time to do something to it. I decided to paint some fun, whimsical flowers on it. Keep in mind, I am not done with it yet. This was all I had time for yesterday. I still have to add detail to the blue and orange flowers and then fill in the spaces with other designs. I think it's going to look so cool when I'm done. I love the fun spring colors, but I also think it would look great in just about any color.
Here is a close up of some of the flowers. Again, I still have more detail to add to them. It's definitely a work in progress. This is my "prototype" of future projects to come for Easter.

And finally, I decided to make a Valentine heart for MY door! I love the fun whimsy design this one has. Can't wait to get it finished and on my door.

Well, that's all I have for you today. Just a few fun projects from the weekend. I will be sure to post the cross when I get it finished. I think it's going to turn out great when it's finished. Hopefully this has inspired you to pick up a paint brush. You never know what you might create!


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Valentine Heart Door Decor

Last Call for Valentine Hearts!!

I wanted to let everyone know that I am getting ready to trade in my Valentine hearts for another project. So, if you still want to order a Valentine Heart for your door, please let me know as soon as possible! They are $25 and you can choose your wording. They come in two styles. Please see my previous post for examples of some hearts I've designed.

I am currently working on some Razorback canvas designs, as well as continuing to make the orange burlap basketballs. Not to mention that I am thinking ahead to the next holiday theme! So, you'd better get your "hearts" while you can!

Thanks so much to all of you that have been supporting my fun little creative business! I appreciate you!


aka Cleverly Creative Girl