About Me

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Vinyl Letters: Here, there and everywhere!

Love me some Vinyl!
I LOVE to monogram and personalize things with vinyl!  There are so many things you can do with vinyl.  Here are a few items that I have personalized for customers lately.  If you need a special gift, consider personalizing something with vinyl.  Many items can be found at Target, Walmart, etc, for minimal cost.  Add some vinyl and you've got a wonderful personalized gift!  Here are a few examples:

These platters were purchased at Target.  I simply added a large letter 
monogram to the center and turned them into a great gift. 

These tumblers were monogrammed with the initials of each 
bridesmaid for the wedding of my co-workers daughter. 

 These one gallon jars are perfect for so many things!  They make great wedding gifts, teacher gifts, etc.  They can be used as a canister in the kitchen, a jar to keep mementos from trips or special occasions, a jar to keep your laundry detergent, and the list goes on and on.  Choose a monogram, family name or other lettering.

This beautiful jar is great for a wedding gift or anniversary gift
with the initials of the bride and groom.  The jar is 1.5 gallons and 
the beautiful pewter lid makes the silver lettering really stand out.

This is a simple platter that I purchased at Walmart for a dollar or two. 
added a large letter monogram to the middle and turned it into a fun gift.  Easy peasy!

If you would like for me to personalize an item for you, please let me know.  You can also refer to the My Shop section of this website to see other items that I personalize on a regular basis.  I use high quality car vinyl that is said to have an adhesive life of at least 3-5 years (outdoors)!  I recommend that you hand-wash all items with vinyl on them for longer lasting "stick."

Have a blessed day,

aka Cleverly Creative Girl
Email: cleverlycreative@gmail.com

School's Out for Summer: Pickin' Up the Paintbrush!

  Pickin' Up the Paintbrush

Aaahhh!  Summer has arrived!  At last, the hustle and bustle of the school year has come to a close and now I am free to paint to my heart's desire!  And that's just what I've been doing!  Take a look at some of the recent creations from my Cleverly Creative Girl business.  I am having so much fun  painting giant letters and other fun shapes.  Feel free to contact me if you would be interested in one of my creations.  I've been shipping them out to California, Texas, Florida and more.  

Some of the pictures were taken before I had added the hanger and ribbons.  All the letters, cross and the tie are made from 1/4" foam board.  They are light and will not scratch up your front door.  The beach ball is made from canvas material.  

I am working on some new designs so check back regularly!  As always, check out the  "My Shop" section of this website for great gift ideas.  I am always willing to consider doing other custom projects, so let me know if you have an idea.  

Be blessed,

Melony  (aka Cleverly Creative Girl)

For more information or to order 
a door hanger or other item,
please contact me at:

Cleverly Creative Girl
Melony M. Fielder
Email: cleverlycreative@gmail.com
Phone: 501.223.9515