About Me

Monday, July 25, 2011

Where have I been???

Hello everyone. It's been way too long since I posted anything on my blog. I guess I've been caught up in all the "activities of life." I spent nearly 2 weeks prepping for and recovering from a garage sale. Note to self: Do not plan any more garage sales in the month of July! It was just way too hot! Sales were good up until mid-morning. I think all the bargain shoppers had decided it was too hot to get out as well! But, we did manage to get rid of a lot of "stuff." My closets look great and my garage has never been so clean! Everything that didn't sell, we donated to a local store where the proceeds will benefit the Big Brothers/Big Sisters organization.

Now my mind is buzzing with ideas for Back-To-School teacher gifts. So, stay tuned for that post, coming soon! I am also going to be having a Cleverly Creative Girl inventory sale. I've got several buckets, jars and miscellaneous items that I'd like to clear out (so I can have my dining room back!).

Well, that's all for now. Just wanted to let you know where I've been and what's to come. I may post a recipe later today, as well. Happy Monday everyone!

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