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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Quick & Easy Christmas Gift Idea!

 Quick & Easy Christmas Gift Idea

Shortly after Thanksgiving, I was scrolling through Pinterest and came across this cute little idea for a quick and easy gift for friends, neighbors, etc.  I thought it was a great idea, but decided to give it my own little touch by rewriting the poem and stamping the cards with festive Christmas presents for decoration.  

On a tight budget, this year I decided to give this little gifts to the other kindergarten teachers and assistants that I work with at school.  At Michael's, I found super cute Christmas wrapping paper on sale half price and bought bulk Scotch tape at Home Depot.  I tried to pick out wrapping paper that I felt like suited their personalities and styles.  

Once the paper was picked out and the tape was purchased, I decided to rewrite the poem.  This is what I came up with:

You've been shopping.
Hardly stopping.
No time for napping.
Time to get wrapping!
No tissue or paper to spare?
Here's some to show I care.

Merry Christmas!

I printed up the poem using my computer and cut them into squares.  Then I simply cut squares of red cardstock that made a 1/4 inch border around the poem.  Then I added the Christmas presents stamp in green ink.  I attached the poem and Scotch tape with red or white tulle ribbon I had left over from another project.  Easy-peasy!

These were a huge hit with my co-workers and took the worry out of what to get each of them.  So, that alone, was priceless.  Hope you like this idea.

Have a blessed day,

aka "Cleverly Creative Girl"

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