About Me

Saturday, November 9, 2013

I'm back!!!!

Yes, I'm finally back!!  As some of you know, our family FINALLY sold our house and moved right after school started.  Not exactly the best time to move, seeing as I work in Kindergarten, but the Lord blessed us with the sale of our house and we were very thankful.  Wow!  It has been 8 years since the last time we moved.  The kids are older and have much more "stuff."  It was A LOT more work than I remember.  My craft area was the very last area to get unpacked.  In fact, I just finished going through the last boxes this morning.  I've done a little painting here and there, but now I am set to start taking holiday orders.  If you are interested in purchasing any of my items as gifts for the holidays, please get your order to me as soon as possible.  Christmas will be here before we know it!

Here are a few things I have been working on lately:

Large Personalized Pumpkin Door Hangers:  $35 

Large Personalized Tumbler: $15 (vinyl only)
(Bring me your tumbler and choose your color of vinyl.)
Large Monogram on one side, School Team on the other
(Tumbler pictured is from Target)     

Personalized Locker Magnets: $5 each
Choose your colors and design

Large Letter Door Hanger: $25
Choose your letter, design and colors
Other designs available
Made from 1/4" foam board (will not scratch your door)

Personalized Wall Plaque:  Price varies by size
Can add ribbons to make it a bow hanger
Choose your colors and design

Monogramed One-gallon Jars with Lid:  $22
Choose your vinyl color and design
Can personalize any way you want.  Not just monograms.

Examples of Custom Work:  Price varies by project

Days 'Til Disney Countdown Sign:  $25
Comes with chalk square to write the number of days left.

Car Window Monogram:  $12
Choose your vinyl and font
Size:  approx. 5x7

 Personalized Cross Door Hanger:  $25
Choose your design, colors and lettering.
Made from 1/4" foam board (will not scratch your door)

If you have tried to reach me in the past couple of months via phone and I did not respond, please know that was not intentional.  We have had horrible issues with getting our phone transferred to our new place. Hopefully everything is fixed now, but if I did not respond to your call, please contact me now via email or phone.  Thank you for supporting my business!  I appreciate your support!

Have a blessed day,

aka Cleverly Creative Girl

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Vinyl Letters: Here, there and everywhere!

Love me some Vinyl!
I LOVE to monogram and personalize things with vinyl!  There are so many things you can do with vinyl.  Here are a few items that I have personalized for customers lately.  If you need a special gift, consider personalizing something with vinyl.  Many items can be found at Target, Walmart, etc, for minimal cost.  Add some vinyl and you've got a wonderful personalized gift!  Here are a few examples:

These platters were purchased at Target.  I simply added a large letter 
monogram to the center and turned them into a great gift. 

These tumblers were monogrammed with the initials of each 
bridesmaid for the wedding of my co-workers daughter. 

 These one gallon jars are perfect for so many things!  They make great wedding gifts, teacher gifts, etc.  They can be used as a canister in the kitchen, a jar to keep mementos from trips or special occasions, a jar to keep your laundry detergent, and the list goes on and on.  Choose a monogram, family name or other lettering.

This beautiful jar is great for a wedding gift or anniversary gift
with the initials of the bride and groom.  The jar is 1.5 gallons and 
the beautiful pewter lid makes the silver lettering really stand out.

This is a simple platter that I purchased at Walmart for a dollar or two. 
added a large letter monogram to the middle and turned it into a fun gift.  Easy peasy!

If you would like for me to personalize an item for you, please let me know.  You can also refer to the My Shop section of this website to see other items that I personalize on a regular basis.  I use high quality car vinyl that is said to have an adhesive life of at least 3-5 years (outdoors)!  I recommend that you hand-wash all items with vinyl on them for longer lasting "stick."

Have a blessed day,

aka Cleverly Creative Girl
Email: cleverlycreative@gmail.com

School's Out for Summer: Pickin' Up the Paintbrush!

  Pickin' Up the Paintbrush

Aaahhh!  Summer has arrived!  At last, the hustle and bustle of the school year has come to a close and now I am free to paint to my heart's desire!  And that's just what I've been doing!  Take a look at some of the recent creations from my Cleverly Creative Girl business.  I am having so much fun  painting giant letters and other fun shapes.  Feel free to contact me if you would be interested in one of my creations.  I've been shipping them out to California, Texas, Florida and more.  

Some of the pictures were taken before I had added the hanger and ribbons.  All the letters, cross and the tie are made from 1/4" foam board.  They are light and will not scratch up your front door.  The beach ball is made from canvas material.  

I am working on some new designs so check back regularly!  As always, check out the  "My Shop" section of this website for great gift ideas.  I am always willing to consider doing other custom projects, so let me know if you have an idea.  

Be blessed,

Melony  (aka Cleverly Creative Girl)

For more information or to order 
a door hanger or other item,
please contact me at:

Cleverly Creative Girl
Melony M. Fielder
Email: cleverlycreative@gmail.com
Phone: 501.223.9515

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Customized Crosses

Customized Crosses 

Choose your pattern, colors and wording to create 
custom cross for your door or wall.

Chevron $25

  Polkadot $20

                           Floral $30                                

Customize your cross with a swirl design.  Choose your colors.
Swirl $25
All crosses are made out of 1/4" foam board so they are lightweight and will not scratch up your door.  Each comes with a hanger of wire or ribbon.   Each cross is individually created just for you.  Please allow 3-7 days for it to be created.  Local deliveries only.  Crosses cannot be mailed.

If you are interested in purchasing a cross, please contact me via email at cleverlycreative@gmail.com or phone at (501) 231-7103. If you need your cross in time for Easter, please contact me as soon as possible. 

Have a blessed day,

aka Cleverly Creative Girl 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Personalized Jars

Personalized Cookie Jars and Canisters

Need a special gift for a wedding, birthday or other occasion? Check out the "My Shop" page of this website.  Don't see what you are looking for?  Let me know.  I may be able to custom design something for you.  New items coming soon so check back regularly!

Have a blessed day,

Cleverly Creative Girl

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Tomato Cage Christmas Trees

 Tomato Cage Christmas Trees

I love to decorate for Christmas, but for some crazy reason, I rarely put up decorations around my door or on my front porch, other than my favorite Christmas wreath.  However, this year, the in-laws were coming for Christmas, so I decided to make my front porch a little more festive! I've always loved the sparkly trees that come in pretty urns for Christmas, but those were a little out of my budget.  So, after watching an episode of P. Allen Smith Garden Home a few weeks back, I decided to give making my own trees a try.  I was really surprised how easy they were to make.  
I got almost all of the supplies I needed at my local Home Depot.  The rest were leftover Christmas decorations or supplies.   For this project I used the following supplies:

2 metal tomato cages (they cost less than $4 each)
2 boxes of 144 mini net light sets (the kind that go over shrubs, etc)
Duct tape
wire Christmas ornament hooks
30 foot roll of green mesh
Christmas ribbon

The first thing I did was use the Duct tape to secure the loose ends of the tomato cages to form a point (the top of my Christmas tree).

Next, I wrapped the net Christmas tree lights around the tomato cage starting at the bottom and working my way up the cage, securing the lights by using the wire ornament hooks as twist ties.

Then wrap the green mesh around the tomato cage, starting at the bottom.  (Sorry no picture for this step)  When you get to the top of the "tree", take the remaining mesh and tie a bow with some pretty Christmas ribbon.  To hold the mesh in place, I used a few more wire ornament hooks to secure the mesh to the cage.  That's it!  You're done! 

Note:  In this example, I used lime green mesh that I had left over from another project.  I think if I were to make these again, I would buy a darker green color mesh.  When not lit up, they looked fine, but when I turned them on at night, the mesh looked more "yellowish" than I would have liked.

Here is what they looked like lit up on my porch with the decorations around my door and the matching wreath I made.  

 Simple wreaths I made to hang below my coach lights on each side of the garage.

 Here is the simple wreath I literally threw together with all of the leftover mesh, 
ornaments and ribbon.  Not too bad for being made from scraps!

I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and that the New Year is full of blessings for you and your family.


aka Cleverly Creative Girl


Quick & Easy Christmas Gift Idea!

 Quick & Easy Christmas Gift Idea

Shortly after Thanksgiving, I was scrolling through Pinterest and came across this cute little idea for a quick and easy gift for friends, neighbors, etc.  I thought it was a great idea, but decided to give it my own little touch by rewriting the poem and stamping the cards with festive Christmas presents for decoration.  

On a tight budget, this year I decided to give this little gifts to the other kindergarten teachers and assistants that I work with at school.  At Michael's, I found super cute Christmas wrapping paper on sale half price and bought bulk Scotch tape at Home Depot.  I tried to pick out wrapping paper that I felt like suited their personalities and styles.  

Once the paper was picked out and the tape was purchased, I decided to rewrite the poem.  This is what I came up with:

You've been shopping.
Hardly stopping.
No time for napping.
Time to get wrapping!
No tissue or paper to spare?
Here's some to show I care.

Merry Christmas!

I printed up the poem using my computer and cut them into squares.  Then I simply cut squares of red cardstock that made a 1/4 inch border around the poem.  Then I added the Christmas presents stamp in green ink.  I attached the poem and Scotch tape with red or white tulle ribbon I had left over from another project.  Easy-peasy!

These were a huge hit with my co-workers and took the worry out of what to get each of them.  So, that alone, was priceless.  Hope you like this idea.

Have a blessed day,

aka "Cleverly Creative Girl"